Iceberg Lettucce

Crunchy and refreshing flavor due to its high water content.

Dense, compact, round in shape, thick leaves that remain firm after being harvested.

Nutritional Information

25 Calories

Aids weight loss

Vitamin K

40% of you Daily Value witch helps improve bone health.

96% Water

High water content.

tabla nutrimental lechuga iceberg

Keeping the cold chain

until its final destination

After harvest, the product is transported on a platform or in a refrigerated truck at a temperature of 45 ° F to the cooling reception.

The cooling process Is achieve with a vacuum cooler, until the temperature drops to 2 ° C.

Once cooled, the temperature at destination is 1 ° C to 3.8 ° C maximum.

Iceberg 24 Specifications


Single perforated bag with logo or standard tied with a double knot.

Net Content: 0.840 kg ± 100 g


Corrugated Cardboard

24 pieces

18 kg

Traceability label and # employee


Pallets: Chep y/o blanca tratada o nacional

Box per level: 5 

Levels per pallet: 8 or 7 levels

Boxes per pallet: 40 or 35 boxes


Iceberg 30 Specifications


Single perforated bag with logo or standard tied with a double knot.

Net Content: 0.700 kg ± 100 g


Corrugated Cardboard

30 pieces

18 kg

Traceability label and # employee


Pallets: Chep y/o blanca tratada o nacional

Box per level: 5 

Levels per pallet: 8 or 7 levels

Boxes per pallet: 40 or 35 boxes